Sunday, August 5, 2007

Week 4

I believe the most important aspect of this weeks readings to take away and remember is that of caring. Especially when working with large companies goodwill and a company that 'cares' will have a better standing in its local community. So a company must:
1. Consultate: with the community this could include information nights and town meetings
2. Scan the environment: that is the social environment so that issues can be managed. This could include surveys, focus groups and monitoring the media agenda.
3. Filling in the gaps: squashing rumours by providing as much information as possible through fliers, brochures, hotlines and a booth at the local shopping centre
4. Collaborations with community groups: key leaders involved in a task force with their own budget and own projects
5. Negotiation: the key to symmetrical PR
This leads to mutual gain and a good community relationship.

1 comment:

James T Daye said...

Yes, I also believe it is important to develop goodwill with a community, which can make the whole job more positive and rewarding than simply putting 'spin' on bad news...

And it's a good point that a concern for the opinions or suggestions of the desired audience makes the job more worthwhile.