Sunday, August 19, 2007

Week 6

This weeks readings were about the legal world and the ethical world of PR. I found the section on Defamation most helpful because I am a journalism major and this concept has always puzzled me. Therefore I have decided to concentrate on defamation and somehow flesh out an easy to use summary.
Defamation- a law aiming to protect ones reputation ( something an organisation has with strangers ). This must be however, balanced against freedom of speech. Defamation can be in the form of words, pictures, cartoons, graphics, effigies, signs and gestures. To prove you have been defamed you must show that material was 'published' in which you were identified and which caused you to be exposed to hatred, contempt, ridicule, lowering of others opinions and shunned or avoided without moral blame. Morals are of course different from ethics talked about in the next chapter because ethics are personal values which underpin the moral choices. Almost everyone in the production process can be charged for the defamation whether it was direct or indirect. Finally, there are only three defences to defamation; truth, fair comment and privilege. In summary I would like to say defamation is a mine field and journalists and PR consultants alike should be vary wary of everything they publish.


~ annika ~ said...

I'm a journalism major too! How interesting and yet all the more confusing, you have to think about every possible thing that could go wrong, every implication of every comment or statement!

I found it really interesting too, I never realised just how much PR and journalism are alike!!!

Great idea to focus on that one topic area!

Happy blogging! :P

Sarah Snedden said...

Hi Jessie

I agree with what you said about defamation being a deliate balance between freedom of speech and a person's right to protect their reputation. The law can be somewhat confusing and it is something that we need to be aware of our legal obligations in both the journalism and public relations industry.

cmns1290caitlinandrews said...

Hi Jessie
I am majoring in Journalism too. I agree with you in that defamation is a complex aspect of the legal environment of PR. There are so many little rules and regulations that need to be adhered to in order to practice legally.

I also think that the other areas of the legal environment need a lot of attention as PR and journalism are such large and varied field that many laws and ethics are needed to practice professionally.

Erin Salmon said...

As a student who is combining PR with law, I thought the way you approached defamation was very insightful for myself and other students as I also find this area puzzling. The deep definition you provide that shapes defamation not only as words but also 'pictures,cartoons, graphics, effigies, signs and gestures' is something that I did not know. Your blog gives a helpful warning about defamation for future PR Practitioners.

Great Blogging!