Friday, July 27, 2007

Week 3

This weeks readings were all about PR theory and the ideal means of communication, where the result equally beefits all parties invoved. I would like to focus on two particular theories, the two-way symmetric model and the relationship management approach. Grunig's symmetrical model suggests communication across an equal playing field where PR works to give evryone involved equal benefits and equal advocacy. In reality however, this model is merely a utopian dream because not all parties concerned would have equal power in the situation. For example, a PR consultant working under this model for a mine looking to expand would want equal debate and understanding between the mine owners and the local environmental protection lobby group. The mine owners however, due to their income, employees, company and institutional ties already have more power and sway over the situation compared to the lobby group. Therefore the dialogue between these groups can not be symmetrical.
The Relationship Mnagement Approach focuses on the relationship dimensions of a situation. For this above example the PR consultant would look at the balance of power, the credibility of both groups, the cooperation shown etc. and devise a strategy based on this information. I believe a mixture of these two models would be an ideal way to approach PR communications because it would take circumstances into account whilst still trying to achieve symmetrical benefits for the sponsor and the public.

1 comment:

CMNS1290JessicaCapper said...

I think you have some really significant insight here Jess. I like the way you have focussed on two of the integral models from the abundance that we received information on. Your description of the models is detailed yet very easy to understand. I think you have done an excellent job at breaking down what are complex subjects into an easily understood form.