Thursday, September 6, 2007

Week 8

These readings were very interesting for me because I am mostly interested in the writing side of PR, therefore when I am a journalist I will be able to pick up on the tricks of the PR practitioner. There were numerous important points this week including targeting not only your audience but your publication also. For example a web blog requires clear concise and easy to read language targeted at someone who is quickly surfing between sites, however a PR release needs to be formal and draw the audience in straight away. Another important point especially about the web is that appearance plays an important role. Headings, graphics, images, colours are what attract attention these days before a person even engages with the writing. Someone with these multi talented skills will have a better chance in the industry than someone with only writing abilities. The point also must be made that PR releases are not just advertising or promotion. A journalist is never going to publish something that screams sell me. They should interest the journalist and help set an agenda. Finally a good relationship with journalists builds trust and equals space in the newspaper. Be creative don't just send a boring black and white press release. Think outside the square and draw attention but don't put on to much of a show in that it seems gimmicky and consumer related. It is an ideal balance very difficult to achieve.

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