Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week 11

Research and Evaluation : Why are they important? On pg 139 the text book says, "The use of research thus positions PR as a purposive, goal-directed and problem-solving management function." In other words without research and evaluation PR would have nothing to work towards and no idea how to achieve goals. There are three important terms when dealing with research. Input research, which decides what goes into a project or program. Output research decides whether the elements of the program were appropriate and Outcome research which determines the results of the output on the target audience. Research methodologies can be formal such as an interview or informal such as content analysis. They can be qualitative meaning not measured in numbers such as a focus group. Or they can be quantitative such as a survey. Methodologies can also be primary, conducted in person, or secondary, collecting research by other people. In any case and no matter what the methodology ethical considerations need to play an important role. Researchers must take into account issues such as privacy, manipulation, dishonesty and coercion. Only by researching a project or program and evaluating its success can a PR practitioner decide the next step in their over-arching strategy.

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