Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 2

What is Public Relations? This is a question with an ever growing hybrid of answers. The Public Relations Institute of Australia gives a long, drawn out and somewhat heavy definition, however from what i could understand PR is about communications. A PR consultant organises publicity, promotions, marketing, press agentry and fundraising. They deal with numerous issues including management, crisus, financial, community, internal and external. Depending on their working environment they might provide event management, public diplomacy, problem solving abilties and even be involved with lobby groups.
Mc Elreath gave a good simple definition when saying, "a management function that uses communications to facilitate relationships and understanding between an organisation and its publics." I however, believe this defintion is too simple because it doesn't take into account the vast array of occupations and responsibilties within the PR profession. Van Meter has another opinion of PR believing, "Advertising is visibility, Public Relations is credibility." Not only does this have a go at the advertising profession but it tries to break down the image of PR professionals as merely spin doctors working to manipulate the image society gets.

1 comment:

CMNS1290madelinebriggs said...

I agree that McElreath's definition does not allow for most PR occupations as it identitfies a communication relationship between practitioner and public and does not mention internal communication within organisations, or between organisations.
Extraordinary :D